Socialization Strategy

Presentation Design | Cali, Colombia | 2020

The AREECO Consortium carried out the auditing of the construction of the first solar photovoltaic system in a Colombian state building, for the Bogotá headquarters of MINENERGÍA.

One of the stages of the audit required the implementation of a socialization strategy. Through workshops, newsletters and social networks, we spread the progress and results of the project. This presentation served as a guide in the workshops for government ministries and agencies.

Presentation for project socialization strategy
Presentation for project socialization strategy
Presentation for project socialization strategy
Presentation for project socialization strategy
Presentation for project socialization strategy
Presentation for project socialization strategy
Presentation for project socialization strategy
Presentation for project socialization strategy
Presentation for project socialization strategy
Presentation for project socialization strategy
Presentation for project socialization strategy
Presentation for project socialization strategy
Presentation for project socialization strategy