Circuito Gráfico de Cali

Web Site Design | Cali, Colombia | 2020

The Graphic Circuit is a city initiative that proposes to highlight the alternative and independent graphic movement of Cali through an innovative alternative of Cultural Tourism, Creative and Sustainable, this, with the aim of offering and disseminating the current graphic culture and different spaces, initiatives, projects and local enterprises.

This year, due to the crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, we generated a virtual tour so that people can get to know these spaces without leaving home.

Circuito Gráfico's Moodboard
Responsive view of Circuito Gráfico's website
Full view of Circuito Gráfico's website
Full view of Circuito Gráfico's website
Full view of Circuito Gráfico's website
Full view of Circuito Gráfico's website